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Sunday, May 22, 2011

cool graffiti wallpapers

cool graffiti wallpapers. cool wallpapers - Cool, yellow
  • cool wallpapers - Cool, yellow

  • bondsbw
    Sep 30, 10:03 AM
    Um.... I am pretty sure that Apple gets a higher subsidy from having an exclusive carrier agreement, lowering the cost to their customers, yet still keeping margins on the device high.

    Someone to correct me if I am wrong.

    So you're saying that AT&T gives Apple money...but that does nothing for Apple's business?

    :rolleyes: Wow, both of you missed it entirely. My point is the same as yours.

    The poster I replied to suggested that Apple could have split their contract so that both AT&T and Verizon would have the iPhone (meaning better overall service today). But in the end, that would mean less profit for Apple.

    I was explaining that Apple would not have made an exclusive agreement had there been no extra money involved. That's my point.

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